
I Am Slinky...

You are Slinky Heels!

You're an uptown, well put together woman
But you're not too uptight to enjoy a hot club
You're always the best dressed chick in the room
And you'll only settle for the best in men
What Kind of Shoe Are You?

Well...that about says it! (LOL)
(Thanks to Smee for the link)


S'mee said...

you, my dear, are who i wish i could be, except for the whole "your foot actually has to be in that shoe while you walk and dance and do whatever..." part. i adore shoes, and kitten heels, spikes, and the gamut. i just can't get over the pain! wah! i'm a whimpy whiner with cankles and flat shoes!

that said, i do have a tremendous shoe collection. i am so conflicted. ;p

BRN2SELL said...

Well I am not sure I would be the one wearing the shoes ... but I see my wife as flip flops to heels. What ever she wants and when ever she wants. She has the most wonderful pairs of shoes and she will always dress in what looks best for the occasion and then what I want ... the other day I heard her coming downt he stairs and it sounded like ... thud ... click ... thud ...click ... and I could tell she was wearing two different shoes and was going to ask me to pick.

Thank you for your blog ... I followed you from Melissa's blog.

Thanks, Mark

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Hey! I am supposedly "big black boots! I don't think so but maybe I don't know myself very well!

I loved the question about wouldn't be caught dead in Birkenstocks! I wouldn't be caught without them! They are all I wear! I even have dressy ones for church! Although they DO NOT make me feel feminine which I like to feel. Oh well, Comfort over pain I guess.

Lammy said...

ROFL...I am barefoot! GOOD ONE!

Lisa M. said...

I am sneakers.


now just what does that mean?