
Pancakes and Microcalcifications

Went to my check-up...Went something like this:

1) Silent car ride up
2) Prayer in car
3) Bouncy "nervous" legs in waiting room
4) Called back
5) Put on lovely gown that opens in the front
6) Proceed to get a diagnostic mammogram


Let me just tell you this...BIG DIFFERENCE between a film (regular) mammogram, and a diagnostic mammogram (digital)!! The first is truly, no big deal. No overt pressure or pain. But...tis not so with a diagnostic mammo! My breasts (all full C to D of them) were compressed to the width of a PANCAKE! Each time the tech turned the lever and asked, "Are you okay?" I cringed as another crank was applied. I will never look at this breakfast food again in the same light...


7) Showed me films. Clusters of microcalcifications that will be re-evaluated in 6 months. No need to worry quite yet.
8) Relief
9) Clothes on
10) Saw my sister in the waiting room.
11) Two thumbs up...

So...I'm shelving this issue until January, where you will find me anxious, and worried before the next test. I have so much other stuff to focus on, and I truly wasn't able to do so before I had these tests over.

Next on my agenda:
1) Interview Salt Lake company for my next magazine article (Wasatch Woman)
2) Enjoy the 24th with my friends and a PIG (they roast a pig in their backyard each year, and invite everyone...well...everyone that matters...SO MUCH FUN!! (Kacy's blog)
3) Something with Wednesday, KSL,"Studio 5", SHOES and me..., then go to my mom's 3 hour strategy meeting for her cancer
4) Camp meetings Wednesday night
5) Thursday is the photo shoot for the Salt Lake company I'm interviewing
6) Friday...See if I'm still breathing!!

I'm grateful for Pancakes and Microcalcifications...and LIFE!


S'mee said...

I am SO glad that things worked out in a positive way for you and your sis, and that you are helping to support your mom as she goes through this. It's so scary, even when things are "o.k.".

I remember the diagnstic "squishagram" HOLY MOLY! I just kept seeing the gal edging her way to the furthest line of that shelf. When it was CLAMPED into place all I could think of were fire alarms and that I would just be stuck there if one went off,lol.

I made a few decisions early on, but for whatever reason I still cried when they did the needle biopsy. This was a TINY thing in my situation, but I still cried. Why/ Too much thinking I guess.who knows.

Hand in there (which should be a lot easier now that the girls have been flattened) and keep thinking positive.

very gentle hugs.

Laura said...

Love ya, S'mee!!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Wow! It has been too long since I have visited!

You have a lot of new news!!! I will have to go back and read!

I hope you are ok after this week.

Your mom has cancer? Mine did too.

Lisa M. said...

I love S'mee too.

How neat about Wasatch Woman- Just neat.

Neat, Neat, Neat.

Glad it went well.

I have a funny squishagram story-

A friend of mine, was getting hers, and the power went out.

Maybe not so funny, but her telling it, was hilarious.


Laura said...

My dream? To have you gals all over to my house when we are done building...So mark your calendars for somewhere between February and March!!!

S'mee said...

this would be fun.

Lammy said...

Haven't had the squishy... only the sonogram. Dread the squishy--next year is lucky #40...and then it begins. *sigh*

Tried to find your magazine now that I'm here in the valley... to no avail. Where can I find it???
Glad all is well.