
Ocher, Ochre, OQUIRRH?!

We were able to take our two oldest kids, and go to the Oquirrh Hills Temple dedication. It was so amazing for them to be able to participate in a temple ordinance, and see another aspect of how holy it is, and why it is so important to be worthy and ready to attend the temples of the Lord. It is a true place of learning, and guidance for us. A place of refuge and sanctuary from the world. Elder Bednar said: "Men and women are ever learning; and never come to the truth." What a blessing it is that we can know the truths that will enable us to return to our Father in Heaven. The only place to know, learn of , and ponder these truths lie within the walls of the temple. What a wonderful blessing.

(side note: Could they have chosen a more confusing way to spell "Oquirrh?" Why not ocher or "ochre," like the color?)


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

What a wonderful picture! Did you take it? I thought about it all day! I wish I would have taken my kids to the dedication. Some got to tour it, but I didn't. Sometimes I think my priorities are screwed up.

So glad you got to go.

Steph said...

Wow that picture is so pretty! That is so cool you were able to take them and for them to see such a wonderful place unlike any other. I do agree the spelling is crazy! Can't wait to see you guys tonight!

Amy Lynn said...

Amen, sister. Amen.

And one more "amen" for the name. Why to people in Utah like to name things and then spell them the way they DON'T sound? Just wondering...

Emma said...

That picture is beautiful!! The dedication was great, and the open house was as well