
The Theraputic Nature of Shoes

While doing some "window shopping" on a favorite web site, I noticed a "new" selection option for some of the styles...it read...

"Now Available in size Double-Zero"

What the crap?! Am I missing something here? Has the retail world really started utilizing, basically, a double-nothing sizing option? Don't they realize that the mass majority of us have not been in anything close to this since, probably, Jr. High? Do they not realize that on ALL clearance racks there are only 2's, zeros, and now, DOUBLE zeros left? Does this not mean that the bulk of their consumers are NOT these sizes, because they are ALWAYS the ones left over, season after season?

So...What would be the difference between an 8, and a double-8? (Am I being discriminated against?!) Do we need a size that now says, "Hey, you are skinny...REALLY skinny..." I know that there are those blessed folks out there that are saying, "Grass in always greener...I'm skinny, but I don't have boobs, etc.," and "We all have our issues we aren't happy with..," and I'm sure to an extent this is true. BUT, buying a padded bra or a boob-job is a little different than stuffing ample boobs, stomach, hips, and other such hanging "masses" into unflattering styles and constraining devices that cut off ones circulation in order to look as close to "zero" as possible!

(It is interesting that you always hear those who have cleavage would give it away to be skinny... but you never hear those who don't have cleavage cry, "I would be FAT to have boobs!")

Okay...I've said my peace...

Have you seen the movie, "In Her Shoes" with Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette? There is a dialouge between the two characters (Cameron's is skinny, attractive, and a looser/mooch/party-girl, and Toni's is her sister, a plain/dull but successful attorney who always bails her out, who has a closet FULL of shoes that she never wears.) When asked why she buys these gorgeous accessories, she answers (para-phrasing), "They make me feel good... I'm too fat to enjoy clothes shopping...But I never found a shoe that didn't fit!"

Another reason why shoes are so THERAPUTIC!!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

AMEN!!! I love shoes and now I have a reason to fill up my closet! I certainly don't want to fill it up with clothes that are double digits! And I am NOT talking about double zero!

Lammy said...

I'm what you could call a double 8......

A true blue size 16. :)
Great post.

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Where are you? Are things OK? How is potty training going? It's enough to make you want to take a valium! Love you!

Laura said...

My son is sick...so...potty training on hold...he's not getting enough/any sleep..which means neither am I...and I have to prepare my Old Testament lesson for tomorrow...A valium sounds WONDERFUL!!

Lisa M. said...

Ya know, I have felt that way about shoes, as well!

Double zero. hum.. How attractive can that be?

Land oh lakes.

Hope your little man gets better sooN!

Anonymous said...

Very attractive colours..good looking than my Nike shoes which i purchased last week.