
A Time to Be Still

So I've been over-doing things lately...To the point where I have been sick, tired, grouchy, and every other type of adjective you can think of! My sweet husband told me that I needed to take a rest...I needed to "be still."

Ironically, this past Sunday in Relief Society, the lesson was on the hymn "Be Still, My Soul." Do you think the Lord was trying to tell me something?! My husband had given me a blessing prior to this, and in it, it literally listed things that I needed to "let go," so I could "rest" and "be still."

I have not answered phone calls, let my house be (even more than ususal!) beyond a wreck, we have had cereal for dinner, I have tried not to stress about my calling, tried not to be hard on myself for my short-comings, not obsessed over appearances, and have tried to really re-evaluate what is important. In the process, the phrase "be still," has become very endearing to me. Sometimes I feel that I am moving so fast, and trying so hard to do so many things that if I would just "be still," my vision would clear, and the answers I have been searching for begin to bloom before my eyes.

So here is to being, still..."All now mysterious shall be bright at last."

The only shoes worn today will be my white and lime-green Adidas when I go have my "alone time" at the gym!!

1 comment:

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

This was a beautiful post. I feel like you lately. This post made me actually feel more peaceful and quiet. I liked that. Thank you. I needed that today.
Today I am wearing my Cabellas clogs and hopefully later, my lavender and white asics!