
The Game of Tag...and I'm "IT!"

Thank you to my new-best-friend, Melissa, for tagging me. Now, for your reading enjoyment (ha ha ha), my answers:

Four Jobs You've Had in Your life:
1) Retail Sales Manager over Womens, Intimate Apparel, Juniors, Shoes, the Children's department, and Menswear...I was who they called in to "fix" departments (and their managers) who were not doing well...The hours were DEMANDING and long on your feet, and you worked EVERY holiday... BUT the insurance was GREAT, and two of my babies were FREE (I'm high risk in pregnancy, so this is remarkable!) and I had PAID MATERNITY LEAVE for 8 weeks on both! After my second child, I resigned!!
2) Park Coordinator at LAGOON Amusement Park...yup...in Farmington, Utah!! I worked my way "up" from a rides operator to one of the "elite" people with a radio, who walked around and told everyone what they should be doing. It was a GREAT experience, (even though you might be thinking "carnie,") it taught me a lot of my people skills, and allowed me to pay for High School stuff, as well as not having to work during my first two years of BYU/College because I could save enough by just working during the summer. And OH THE STORIES I COULD TELL...Scandalous, simply SCANDALOUS!!
3) BYU Museum of Art docent...Too bad the first exhibit when I worked was such a disappointment...They should of got the King Tut exhibit...The Etruscans were neat, but just not rivoting enough for most people!
4) Young Women's Counselor and President...Anyone who tells you it's not a job to have an extra 46 girls in and out of your house, and life, for four years, hasn't a clue!

Four Movies You Watch Over and OVER:
1) (Okay...this is were it is getting slightly freaky the more things I find out about Melissa...) So I Married an Ax Murderer..("Woman..woman..WOOOOOOOMAN!!")
2) The Chronicles of Riddick...Vin Diesel...Over and over and over...
3) Beautiful Mind (He should of won the Oscar for THIS movie, and not Gladiator!)
4) Life is Beautiful (Bitter-sweet!)

Four Places You've Lived:
1) California (Chula Vista,San Francisco,Berkeley, and San Jose.)
2) Colorado (Fort Collins, and Littleton)
3) Washington (Spokane...Probably my favorite place!)
4) Happy Valley, Utah!! (Where I NEVER thought I'd end up!!)

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
1) Grey's Anatomy
2) The Apprentice
3) King of Queens
4) Boston Legal

Four Websites You Visit Daily:
1) Wells Fargo...and it's NOT to count the millions!
2) Melissa's blog
3) Wells Fargo...making sure DH gets his paycheck...
4) Melissa's blog
(This is usually done in 2-3 minute spasm's during the day when my 3 year old will actually let me onto the computer for something other than the game "Bumbler")

Four of Your Favorite Foods
1) Sushi (especially crab with cucumber and EEL! YUM!!)
2) Steak from Zetah's at the Gateway in Salt Lake City
3) My friend Michelle's Cheese Soup
4) Salads...All kinds...All types...with a loaf of sourdough bread and BUTTER!

Four Places You'd Rather be Right Now:
1) the Cottage Spa at Gardiner Village
2) Anywhere with a beach
3) An archeological dig in Egypt
4) Silence and a good book

Despite the fact that I have a VERY small group of people who actually read my blog, I will submit a name on the off-chance that she will sometime visit my blog in the near future! I "pick" a real flower to tag...Suzie Petunia! I tag you to go next!!

Todays Shoes: Baby-pink Pumas...one of THE MOST comfortable shoes I have worn (and that's saying A LOT!) and since they are pink, it just makes them that much more fun!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

My dear Woman! I just love you! We have got to meet! I love Gardner Village too but seldom go there since I live at the noth pole! I love bread and butter with salads too but seldom admit it! The King of Queens? My dear, I've got the episodes memorized!! Everyone loves Raymond is another fav.
Have a shoe problem. Found out I over pronate pretty bad. That is what the knee problem is. My chiro has this wierd way of adjusting my knee from the back and the pain leaves but if I don't wear shoes with REALLY good arch support, the old knees begins to ache. Do you know of any cute, sexy, sandles for the summer that you can stick some big old whopper insoles into?

Laura said...

Let me investigate...I LOVE a good shoe dilemna! Are you looking for form or function? High heel or low? Color opinions? Plus...there are SO MANY insole accessories out there made to be "hidden," but helpful.

I CANNOT wait until the weather is warm and I can paint my toes and wear sandals ALL THE TIME!!