
Tag #1...Weird things for Lammy Ann

Sorry it has taken me SO LONG to get back to my initial tagging! Here are six weird things about me:

1) I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue...Go ahead...try it!! ( I know you are!!)

2) I refuse to fly on Delta airlines because they "lost" a kidney intended for my brother (long story). When we went to Disneyland last year with my husband's company, they had initially gotten tickets on Delta...I refused to go...No...REALLY...I was not planning on going...Luckily, in the end, they ended up changing airlines for other reasons. (Does this mean I hold grudges? Or am I just extremely loyal?)

3) I cannot eat raw meat...it must be cooked all the way through...BUT (how ironic) I LOVE sushi!!

4) Except for when I'm sleeping, I MUST have a pair of earrings in...This is even when running, swimming, at the gym, doing housework, etc. I just don't like how the holes on my ears look "sans" earrings...

5) To this day, I cannot smell the Victoria Secret's "Cucumber Melon" lotion without getting nauseated...When it first came out (circa 1995), I LOVED it...then I got pregnant...GAVE AWAY all my lotion, and couldn't stand by or be in the same room with anyone wearing it (which made staff meetings VERY excrutiating...). This just adds to my list of why I don't go into that particular store...

6) I love the following shows..."Miami Ink," "Hart and Huntington," and "Dog the Bounty Hunter." I can only figure this is because in another life, I was/would be a hard-core rock star, who could kick some "booty..." (I'll let you guess if I have a tattoo...) When my sister and her husband went to Hawaii, I made her promise me to go to "Da Kine Bonds" and stalk Dog & Company....She didn't get a chance to see them, but did take a picture of the outside of their office!

LOL...If the "weirdness" only ended here!!


Lisa M. said...


You rock, I wouldn't fly Delta either. We'll wait for the long story, its gotta be a goodie.

Loyal, Loyal, Loyal. Couln't be a grudge, I mean KIDNEY's just don't come in cans.

Can't eat raw meat either, OH MY FOR THE SUSHI. Yuck.

*laughing* @ the Cucumber melon. Rootbeer, I am afraid has had this same effect on me.
Loved this entry!

Amy Lynn said...

I didn't find a single weird thing in this blog. Does that make me weird? Or is it sheer love and adoration? I'm voting YES on the tatoo although I don't know where it is or what it is. If I had to guess, I would say...lower back region and rose. Am I close?

S'mee said...

When I was preggers with #5 I acquired a keen sense of smell that continues to this day. I will, at a moments notice, hurl like frat boy on Sunday morning if someone is wearing something too sweet. I get nauseated extremely easy now...nuts.

Have to agree with the raw meat thing.

Tattoos. Hmm. Well you look very young, hip, etc., so I am saying more than likely. We had a gal in church go off on tattoos and how evil they are. I have to tell you, I am not a fan, BUT (and I have a big one) I would hazard to guess that 70+% of the gals in that church room were sittin' on a tat. Although I tattoos aren't my thing, I *do* enjoy Miami Ink and the other one, Inked(?) ugh -forget the name -but it's in Vegas. Cool stories, interesting people, incredible art.

Loved the post, thanks for sharing!

Lammy said...

Man---what a weirdo! I knew under all that normal mom stuff...there was a weird lurking there, somewhere! haha (do I need to clarify that I'm just givin' ya grief?)
'Bout stinking time pal. LOL
Love your list.

Lisa M. said...

Hope you are having a safe and wonderful memorial day!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I swear I could be reading this blog about myself! I am the sameway about earrings. I love my meat cooked.Do not have a tatoo but have 2 sisters that do. Plus, 2 sisters with bellybutton piercings and 1 sis with a clitoral peircing! Betcha can't top that!

Laura said...

I'll leave the piercings, especially the one "down south," to your sis!