
"Bad Hair Day" just doesn't describe it...

So...I go in for my USUAL hair appointment...My stylist does my USUAL coloring...My hair turns it's USUAL blonde...except the lovely bright, brassy, UN-usually PEACHY weave in it!! She adds more blonde, which just emphasizes the peach even more...All this time, I am thinking,"What the crap is going on?" After she does it a second time, it does seems more blonde, but something still remains "off."

So...I go home...thinking it can't possibly be as bad as I think it is, and the lighting must of been "off" at her salon...I go to my bathroom...nope...it IS as bad as I thought it is. The blonde is great, but the low-light remains this brassy, peachy, "orange-cream-cicle" color. I panic...I obssess...I drive immediately to my friend's home, who happens to work in another salon.

T. is a SAINT!! She takes me to the salon, opens it up, and gets to work on my "problem." We decide to put some darker, low-lights into it, to balance out and hopefully compensate for the brassy color. She meticulously foils my hair, we sit and talk while it processes, and then we wash it out...

The blonde in my hair now looks PLATINUM, and the horrible, brassy, peach color is STILL SHOWING along the crown of my head. T is astounded as to what happened...Perhaps we need to try a more neutral, darker tone? She AGAIN applies a color-concoction that should balance out my hair to a smoother, darker, blonde...

Gray? Is it possible to go from platinum blonde, to GRAY? Apparently so...

At this point, I am feeling sick to my stomach...not emotionally...but physically sick to my stomach, as I run to the bathroom to puke-up some grape juice I had earlier....Not only do I have platinum blonde, brassy peach, and grey running through my strands, but apparently, I have the flu now as well. T then asks my an interesting question..."Are you taking any new medications?"

About six weeks ago, I started taking a medication for my thyroid...WELL...guess what? APPARENTLY it had affected my hair!! T said that she had started a new medication once, and then went to straighten her hair, and instead of smoothness, her hair came out VERY coarse, very dry, and very damaged...She then told me that medications can be expressed or found more readily in your hair, pores, and fingernails...

Suddenly a light came on...I had been experiencing REALLY BAD break-outs, and now my hair was not taking hair treatment that normally would have gone off without a hitch...I was amazed!

My dear friend came to my house the next day, and put a special clarifier on my head, which helped clear out any toxins or medications found in my hair. We then selected a new "color" (beige-medium-blonde or "10B" in salon terms!) and literally PRAYED for mercy, a miracle, a blessing and a dream of having my hair take the color correctly...

As T washed out my hair...She was silent (which is not a good sign, since this girl can TALK!!). I asked her what she was seeing, to which she silently said, "I think I still see peach..." I grabbed the mirror, went by the window, and took a look to find...

A BEAUTIFUL shade of 10B!! After we dried it, it solidified the moment when we could both take a huge SIGH OF RELIEF!! T was my saving grace!! She took time (three hours the first night, and 3 hours the next day) without hesitation, to help me out. THAT is true charity, and friendship!!

I'm getting use to my new "look"...Since I'm use to a VERY bright and blonde set of locks, I am constantly checking to see if it looks okay...It's a really pretty, subtle, and soft looking color, and matches my eyebrows...and in a few weeks, there WILL BE BLONDE HIGHLIGHTS!! I just have to get to the point where I can actually sit in a salon chair, with the smell of the chemicals, etc. without being nervous!!

So if you ever have a bad hair day...just remember...it could be A LOT worse!!


S'mee said...

This is why my hair is funky all the time...I fear bad hair dressers moreso than a dentist. At least with a dentist you get pain killers and can keep your mouth shut if they pull a tooth. Oh my. I am sad that you had to go through that, but wow! what a friend!

p.s. I hope that flu went away as quickly as the peach weave.

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I laughed clear through this one! I know that was rude, but if you didn't write it to sound so funny , I wouldn't have laughed!

I am SO glad you got it worked out! There is nothing worse than feeling ugly shmugly!!