
Girl Day!

My daughter has been home the past three days with a bad cold. We finally got her on an antibiotic, which has allowed for a complete turn-around. Today was to be her last day home (I wanted to make sure she had a complete 48 hours on the medicine, before going back--I like her teacher too much to risk a classroom full of sick kids!) so I decided it was to be...

"Girl Day!"

After little brother was at preschool, we took off for our adventure! It was BEAUTIFUL today, and that only made the day better! I let her choose the music, and it was a blend of Kelly Clarkston, No Doubt, and other girlie fav's. We drove up, and with purses properly poised on our shoulders, we headed in to the Mall for some "serious" shopping. We tried on shoes (the BEST was when she told me all the reasons why I should buy her the pair of high-heeled, hot pink, "Candies" sandals...she's EIGHT!) looked at earrings ( I am AMAZED that my entire 80's wardrobe has returned--from "jelly shoes" to big, plastic hoops and beads in bright neon colors!!) and dined on pretzel bites...It was DIVINE!! We went in the Kiddie Kandids to get our picture taken, but their was a wait (supposedly) of four hours ( which was interesting, because there were two picture-areas vacant, and three staff members talking about dates...mmmm...) But, despite our lack of photo-documentation, our day so far was a success!

After baby brother and big brother came home from school, we were off to Activity Days, where we made cute little totes for scriptures, or whatever else tickled one's fancy. After an hour and a half with eleven LOUD, sugar-infested 8 and 9 year olds, my "girlie day" had met it's match!! New satchel in hand, with a new pair of bright-pink, plastic hoops in her ears, we headed for home.

I have fond memories of my mom pulling me and my sisters out of school every year in elementary, to hit the clearance sales for next year's shoes...I always felt a scandalous "high," knowing that while my classmates were sitting at their desks, we were out, trying on shoes (which I enjoyed even at this young age) and enjoying the joy of a condoned "hookey."

Tomorrow we will be back into the swing of things...Kids in school...Me doing laundry (maybe)...and E will be wearing a pair of new, bright-pink, plastic hoop earrings, with hopefully a memory that she will recall when she is having "Girl Day" with her own daughter.


Lisa M. said...

I love girls days. I have done the same with my daughter, and did the same with my Mother. I love timeless traditions, and I love the amazing bonding that takes place in the mall.

What neat memories you are creating.

S'mee said...



I am four square in favour of taking the off spring out of school every now and then for a "day". Go mom!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I love that! I do things like this with my kiddies too. I believe everyone needs a day off once in a while.

I think she will remember that day off and cherish it. You are a great mom and shopping with your daughter is the only way to go.

Heidi already loves shopping and trying on clothes and she is only 4. well, almost 5.

Lisa M. said...

I love the latest shoe of the moment. So pretty in PINK