Another Meme from Melissa...
aprons- y/n? if y, what does your favorite look like?
When I remember I have them...I have matching ones for me and my children, should the urge come around!
baking- favorite thing to bake:
Cookies or my Brown Sugar cake.
clothesline- y/n?
No...I envision my children making a game of it...
donuts- have you ever made them?
Yes--and they never taste like the "real" thing!
everyday- one homemaking thing you do every day.
Clean fingerprints off the kitchen appliances...stainless steel is nice, but attracts a lot of smudges!
freezer- do you have a separate deep freeze?
Yes--We have a second refrigerator/freezer in our garage...Great for drinks, watermelons, birthday cakes, etc...
garbage disposal- y/n?
yes--and ours is EXTRA loud!
handbook- what is your favorite homemaking resource?
Paint, a sander, stain, old wood, old furniture...anything with "potential!'
ironing- love it or hate it?
I still have yet to find a true "wrinkle-free" fabric!
junk drawer- y/n? where is it?
I have one in each major room...although, my second pantry has turned into my junk "drawer" in the kitchen...The best was when my friend came over one day, and went to go and get a fork out of my utensil drawer, and, holding up a hammer said, "You are the only person I know who has a hammer in her utensil drawer!!" My motto: "Be prepared?!"
kitchen- color and decorating scheme?
Rustic--I remodeled the cabinets and drawers with wood b-board, and stained, and painted, and antiqued them. The wall color is called "paper bag," and my accent color is red. I have weathered, stone tile on my floor. (See picture in a previous blog...)
love- what is your favorite part of homemaking?
Renovating, and remodeling. I have done things in EVERY room of my home...But I am DEFINITELY looking forward to building our new home, where it is EXACTLY what I want, in the first place!!
mop- y/n?
Yes--It is one of those spongey, "squeezes out the water for you" models...
nylons- wash by hand or in the washing machine?
YUCK! I'm usually "au naturale"...but I will don a pair of fish-nets if needed...
oven- do you use the window or open the oven door to check?
Before the new choice/no window...After the new oven...BOTH!
pizza- what do you put on yours?
Artichokes, dried red peppers, lots of cheese, mushrooms, onions, olives, tomatoes,...and some alfredo sauce for dipping!
quiet- what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Breathe. Read. Blog. Think. Eat strawberries out of my garden. Dream of my new home...
recipe card box- y/n? what does it look like?
Yes--Crammed full, no order, TOTAL CHAOS...But I can always find what I'm looking for!
style of house- what style is your house?
tablecloths and napkins- y/n?
under the kitchen sink- organized or toxic wasteland?
Organized...only because when we replaced our sink and countertop, we cleaned out everything!
vacuum- how many times per week?
EVERY DAY...I'm selling my home...
wash- how many loads of laundry do you do per week?
When I DO the laundry, it's usually about 4-6 loads at a time, about once a week...I don't mind doing the washing's the folding part I hate!
x's- do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?
Yes...If I don't write it down, it is nothing but a distant memory...
yard- y/n? who does what?
Yes...A half acre...We all participate. I plant the flowers, put in new bark, plant and cultivate the garden, and do some of the mowing every year.
zzz's- what is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
Making sure everyone has clean underwear for the next day.
Carrie...She makes Martha Stewart look totally old-school!!