When I was a freshman in High school, it was required that everyone took Keyboarding, also known as, Type. The class room had a constant sound of fingers hitting keys in a rhythmic montage...where...for and hour and twenty minutes, this constant sound was repeated, again, and again...
It wasn't until I was in college, that I realized not everyone could type--I mean, REALLY type. I can type without looking at the keys, and rarely do I make an overt number of mistakes, and can do it in a very limited amount of time. While we were in school, I would painstakingly watch as my husband would start to type up a paper...tap...tap...tap...when I would suddenly find myself typing his paper for him instead of listening to that depressing sound. Any colleagues of mine at work were amazed how I would type up agendas, reports and what-nots so swiftly...At our recent Stake Talent Show? Yes...It was I who typed up the entire script for the youth who had parts in the program...word...for...word...
I wonder if it will ever be passe to know how to type--Will typing, emailing and text messaging give way to voice only? Is it only a matter of time before this subtle talent of mine will be made into jokes and "I remember when's...?"
Timeless talents...Are there any?!