
February 29th!!!!!!



hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I definitely will! The movie looks really good and I always like to read the book first. But maybe the movie will be better if I Don't read the book first lol

Kim Allsup said...

I just reserved this at our library. I had not heard of it before and it looks like a good read... thanks :*)

Laura said...

Melissa: READ THE BOOK! It is so delicious and good, that is won't take you long to finish it!

Kim: I'm sending you a book....

Kim Allsup said...

I just watched the trailer for the movie!! wow I think books are a lot better than there movies-- so this book must be GREAT..

S'mee said...

juvenile, I know...but all I can keep thinking is the conversation:

Natalie Portman: "Mom! EEEK! I am SO excited about this film! I know how much you loved the book! I can wait for you to see it!"

Natalie Portman's Mom: "Natalie Marie Portman! What the heck were you thinking allowing that man put his hand on your boob for the Movie poster!?! What am I supposed to say to Aunt Regina? You know that your Grandmother is literally rolling in her grave, right? Seriously! The POSTER Natalie? Good grief! Talk to your father...."

Laura said...

I believe his hand is just hanging off her shoulder--no "handling" as far as I can tell--but--I'm not guarantying anything in the movie!!!

Lammy said...

just put this in my library queue!
I cannot WAIT to see it... the trailers look awesome. Hope it's as good as it looks!