

I feel overwhelmed....The kind where you feel like you are in a dazed, immovable state, where you know you need to "get to it," but have so much to "get to," you don't know where to start.

As excited as I am for my Stake calling, it is truly like a full-time job... I feel that I am in meetings more each day than I am with my kids each day! I came home at 11pm from ONE of my weekly meetings...and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Along with this new "job," I still profess to be a Magazine Contibutor (which means my "part-time" job), financial planner, chemo entertainer and supporter (each week it takes 5-6 hours total time to complete), taxi-cab driver, my current ward calling as 2nd Counselor in YW (yup--no release yet!), spouse (I have forgotten what my husband looks like--has anyone seen him? because I sure haven't!!), and SAHM, which basically encompasses everything else!! Along with this--I GOTTA have some "me" time...is that selfish? Am I allowed? I still haven't used any of my b-day massages, and I feel as though I run approximately five 10k's each day--but that is without the benefit of the serenity of my nano playing in my ear, as I run and meditate!!

But what I'm really worried about?

How will all of this affect my ability to see "The Office" each week?!

(Got to have SOME humor about all of this!)


Princess Bitch said...

great site!

you must take some "me" time. I try like hell everyday to do this...some days I'm successful somedays I'm beat down by life. But the point is the "trying" part. ;)

just fight the urge to get in the car and drive far far away, change your name to Sunshine Razzledazzle and start a new life in Antartica and you should be fine ;)

Kim Allsup said...

I am sorry.... I always feel like i have tons of stuff to do and just don't know where to start. so I never start and nothing gets done. go watch the office.. do you have it on dvd?

Laura said...

Yes---I have it on DVD...But I'm going to end up being up until the wee hours of the morning those nights that I TIVO it..especially if those meetings go as long as this last one did!!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

OK little sista, let me give you some advice if I may (because I love you very much!)

Quit all the other callings. Call your bishop or whoever you need to and just narrow it down.

There is NOTHING wrong with saying "no".

That is what I had to do one time. I had 3 callings and it got to the point where I couldn't stand it.

Remember, you NEED to have down time. Otherwise you'll just end up on Prozac! lol

If you are empty, you will not be able to help fill your family. They need to come first. Actually, they come after the hubby!

I love you too and as good friends and practically sisters, I feel it my obligation to be real with you. You are still a devout Mormon even if you admit you can't do it all.

I loved your advice about my diet. I am taking it to heart. I am going to modify it a little and I think you should do the same. I don't want you to get burned out.

Good luck and let me know what you end up doing! Love, me

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

PS, I love your new blog page! Very cute!

Laura said...

Luckily..."word on the street" is that I will be getting released next Sunday from my ward YW...My mom only has 3 more chemo trips (and HOPEFULLY that will be all she needs!), and I had a great talk with my bishop today...

He told me that I will find it amazing, that despite having this demanding calling, family, etc. that I will find myself blessed with the ability and time to get everything done...It really gave me hope!

And tubs....thank God for bath tubs, hot-hot water, darkness except for a lone candle, and quiet-tude.

S'mee said...

The flip side (playing devil's advocate):

The greater the sacrifice the greater the blessing.

Hugs and I know you can handle the important stuff. Prioritize and "get the big things first, all else will settle into the bottle"

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Amen to all of that!