Unless information has been withheld or glossed, he has prayed and come to a proper decision. He is inspired. He has been called of God to call others of God. He knows what he's doing. God trusts you and will give you whatever you lack to fulfill His purposes.
Put your best foot forward, immaculately shod of course, floss your teeth, and welcome the growth that is about to be.
Oh my goodness...seriously, oh my gosh. So...what did he say? Have you been called to run the stake? the world? You'd be delicious at both of them! Do share...really. You know I won't be able to sleep because I am DYING to know!
oh.my.heck. I would pee my pants.... I was called and asked to say a prayer in stake conference and president Bateman was going to be there to speak... I almost peed my pants then.... so what happened?
Relax. Breathe.
Unless information has been withheld or glossed, he has prayed and come to a proper decision. He is inspired. He has been called of God to call others of God. He knows what he's doing. God trusts you and will give you whatever you lack to fulfill His purposes.
Put your best foot forward, immaculately shod of course, floss your teeth, and welcome the growth that is about to be.
Oh my goodness...seriously, oh my gosh. So...what did he say? Have you been called to run the stake? the world? You'd be delicious at both of them! Do share...really. You know I won't be able to sleep because I am DYING to know!
oh.my.heck. I would pee my pants.... I was called and asked to say a prayer in stake conference and president Bateman was going to be there to speak... I almost peed my pants then....
so what happened?
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