
The "other" white meat, offers no salvation

My husband and son went to the Priesthood session of General Conference tonight. I took the other kids to Rumbi grill, with a promise that we would end the evening with an ice-cream cone from McDonalds, or, as called in our home, "Old-Mac-Donalds..."

We arrived home with full tummies, smiles, and only two impulse purchases from Walmart in tow...A delightful evening.

Later, I asked the boys how the session went...Who was there...Who spoke...It was when I asked what subjects they tackled that my son immediately said, "We are suppose to avoid violence, swearing, and PORKANOGRAPHY..."

Damn that white meat!!

They make it look so good...and when you add the applesauce?!

After a good laugh, I said, "Well...if you ever mess with pornography, you'll end up in something even worse...a**kickingography!"

Then my dear son tried to make me feel better by saying that it is okay for me to say a**, because it "just is another name for a donkey..."

Donkeys, pigs...nothing is safe!!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

That is too funny! I loved conference yesterday.

I love pork. I don't eat it often but I love everything about it. Ham, pork chops, bacon, sausage,ribs....yummy! Isn't it strange that something that tastes SOOOO good is sooooo bad for you!! Life is just not fair!

Trish said...

Oh, to be a fly on the wall...

S'mee said...

hilarious! My dear friend, very elegant, was oh so surprised when, during her seminary class full of seniors, she was discussing the difference between the man who refused to listen and his donkey. After much (assumed frustration) the Lord talked to a dumb ass. Her class burst into laughter every time and she just didn't get why. Finally a student explained it and then *she* burst into flames!

Lisa M. said...