
A Night with Obama

Thursday finally arrived...It was book club! Six of my favorite people get together every other month and discuss a book, eat delicious food, and enjoy fantastic conversation. It was no exception last night...We had heated/but kind dialog about the book, politics, candidates, and policies...SO INVIGORATING!! I love that everyone comes from a different view-point, and was articulate and passionate about their stance. I love even more that no one goes away with hurt feelings, because we are THAT comfortable with each other, and can be ourselves with each other.

I feel like this election is a critical...eventful...rebirth or possible catalyst, which may determine so many important things...(sorry so vague!) But I have been curiously drawn into this arena, and I am enjoying the allure I have felt to find out all that I can, about as much as I can. I think things need to change, and I am certainly going to make sure I am going to support and uphold those things in my mind that I feel are worthy and represent my feelings about the world in which I/we live...and I think it can, and needs, to be better and more indicative of the kind of nation we profess to be.

And I love that I can share with my friends at book club...and the five of you who faithfully read my blog...and know that you will still call me friend, when all is said and done.


Kim Allsup said...

Can I join you book group?! I would love to know how you stand on the upcoming elections! I just can't seem to deciede who I like... Do I stay true to my party or change because I don't like the person running! Or not vote!

S'mee said...

Years ago I was invited into a very elect and select group of ladies and their "Literary Guild". I loved it. I relished it. It was one of the very few nights in the months where I was mentored by these wonderful educated older women! We would select a theme each year and choose books accordingly. Each month one of the twelve of us would host at our homes and provide and elegant dinner. Another one of our twelve would be "director" and lead the discussion, costumed as one of the characters, and ready to give her opinion and description of the book before opening up to all. It was fabulous!

I am SO happy when I hear of other women who gather together to learn from each other. What a gift you have!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I would love to be a part of a book club. I'm not as you know but I would love it. Maybe I will start one of my own.

I would love to know what you think too. You know, a group of us here in blog world would make a great book club. I wish we lived closer together.

My frustration is in trying to dicern who is telling the truth. I think many people say what you want to hear to get your vote. How do you know whether or not to believe them? ARGGGGGG

Lisa M. said...

Oh dear. I am not sure, I can still call you friend.



I too, think this is a huge election. I want change. I really do.

I just don't want to sell what I hold precious in order to get it.

Lets hope we can see some positive outcomes.