
Let It Begin

Yup...I'm supporting Obama...I hope you all find a candidate that you can be passionate about, as well...

So...me and my Obama-lovin booty are off to go visit one of MANY ward Girls Camps this month...in the rain...in the cold...wondering if they'll be serving "pop-tarts" for dinner, because there's no way anyone is getting a fire going anytime soon!

Obama and Girls Camps...Let it begin!!


Kim Allsup said...

oh what a fun time we had! I found my pictures and had to laugh at our hair and Berkley..... oh that was a memory making time! have fun

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

It is about dang time you wrote!!!! Shame on you for making me wait so long!!!!!

I am so proud of you for standing up for your candidate. Especially in such a Republican state. Scary!!! I usually vote republican and I like most of the things they support like guns etc. (beings that my hubby is a hunter and I stand for the right to defend myself if necessary) But I have to admit, I am curious to see how it would all pan out with Obama.

I DEFINITELY don't want Hillary. I don't want raised taxes and other things that most democrats say are inevitable but I am curious. I really don't love McCain but he is the only Republican. ARGGG!!! What a dilema for me!!

Anyway, I know I miss you!

Laura said...

You are "allowed" to vote for someone other than a "republican..." ;)

Look to the person...the issues you are passionate about...THAT should determine who you vote for, not necessarily political party...

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

LOL! I know. I will do just that. I don't just vote Republican anymore. I pick the one I like best.

Glad you are home. I have missed you my dear!

Lisa M. said...

So biting my tongue!


Ollie Onions said...

No offense... but he's scary.

Laura said...

There's no offense when you speak from your heart and your own self...That's why we are all different! (What a boring world if we were all the same!)