Today I handed in my July/August article...Summer Sandals....I did the photo shoot, and the entire layout...It looks really good...
This will be my last article for Wasatch Woman magazine...
I had one of those defining moments a couple of weeks ago. As I met with the editor, it was for the first time awkward....which it has NEVER been...The article topic had been changed, and some other surprise elements came into play...I did not think much of it at the time, but in hind-sight, I now see the subtlety...
The following Sunday, I got a bad case of strep, which allowed me to be home from church, with no husband or children around...It was in the quietude that I was able to ponder a little bit about my life, and everything that had happened, is happening, and will happen. When my family came home from church, my husband casually made the comment, "Things happen for a reason." I don't know why it struck me as it did, but I knew at that moment that it was time for me to move on from the magazine...There was no reason...Just the warmth of the peace I felt through my whole being.
I had the editor and publisher in tears, and I agreed I would love to finish with this article for them, in my own way, on my favorite subject...SHOES!
It has been an amazing journey, and I never would of thought I would be a magazine contributor, being able to talk about one of my favorite things...Fashion!
The picture above is a sneak peak to my article.....I love a good teaser!
So I'm really sad that you aren't writing for Wasatch Woman anymore. I really enjoy your articles and I'm continually amazed at your talent. I completely understand where you're coming from and hope it will be a good change for you. It was really fun meeting you through the magazine and I'm just glad I can still read your stuff through your blog:). You are an inspiration in so many ways.
I am so proud of you.
What a neat road there is ahead.
Because of where we live, I never got the opportunity to read your articles, and for that I am sad. I agree with hubby however and you were there for a reason and are now headed somewhere else for a reason. For that I am excited! I wonder who else will benefit from your personality and insights! Awesome.
I am sorry that I won't be reading your fun articles any more, but I do think good things come with change! YOUR ROCK!
You gals are great...Thanks for the validation...
It would seem that I have some extra time to visit people...perhaps those living "north?!" Or maybe a quick jaunt to Cali? Or maybe some house guests in JULY (Kim?) I totally agree with you, Anica, and am grateful for the blogging world to keep us all connected!
Hey NORTH of you, is ALWAYS good!
Wow! This is huge. I would love to know what prompted this decision. Were you just too busy with other callings etc...?
Hmmmm. Life is funny isn't it? I am proud you had the courage to make such a change. I sure love you. Maybe one of these days, we'll actually meet in person.
K girl, we need a new post! I miss you! I miss your comments and I hope you are doing well.
Maybe you are just on vacation. Even so, that is no excuse!
Love you!
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