
Whazzz Up?!

Yes...I've been a blogger-slacker...But not a life-slacker...Here's some of what I've been up to...

Canning Freak: If I have it, I've canned it!! Home-grown tomatoes w/ home-grown basil, pear tomatoes with basil, fresh tomato salsa, fresh tomato salsa with jalapeno peppers, zucchini w/basil, and peaches....Wintertime will be SO NICE when I break these out!!

We've also been making veteran and military "thank you" stars for school...Isn't my dad handsome?!

I've been up to Heber Valley Camp, scoping out our campsite for next year for our Stake Girls Camp...

Still laughing at the BEST back-t0-school story...My youngest comes home with a huge smile...

And then he turns around...

here's a close-up...
I say, "So S....What happened to your shirt?""
s: "What?"
me: "What happened to your shirt?"
s: (looking at the back of his shirt) "Oh...I was trying to pet the dog..."
me: (my turn) "What?!"
s: "I was trying to pet the dog...but there was a fence..."
me: "Whose dog was it? What fence?"
s: "I got caught on the fence, when I tried to pet the dog..."

I STILL do not know whose dog it was, or how my son got hooked into that fence....but the pictures pretty much speak for themselves!

I have book club tomorrow with some dear friends...there are seven of us...each time a different person chooses the book, and hosts the evening...the author of the book is going to be there...I'm on page 13 of the book...I've had it for over a month...I just cannot get into it!! I'm trying to think of a way to stall, so that I arrive AFTER the author has gone ( I don't want to sit there and "act" like I enjoyed it...I'm not very good at that!) Perhaps I'll have a miracle tonight, and somehow read 300+ pages...?

Things have been tight around the homestead lately...But I'm lucky in that I have a "Gwen-mart" card....What?...You don't have a "Gwen-mart" card? They are delightful!! This is how they work...

You have an AWFUL week...we are talking a "no good, VERY bad" week! (TOO MANY details to tell...plus it just gets me all worked up and ugly...I had to get my Bishop to give me a blessing to aid in curbing my anger...I basically joined the Navy last week, with the language I was using!) You feel overwhelmed, angry, anxious, and have no food in the fridge...Step in, "Gwen-mart!" I got to go shopping in my sis' luxury pantry--we are talking a pantry as big as a small store!! Not only did she fill my fridge, she let me vent (swear!) and filled my calloused heart with some needed TLC.

Now you know the beauty that is "Gwen-mart!!"
(Yes---she IS as wonderful as she sounds!!)

I've been watching the debates...the bailout...the View...CNN...the Office...(the TRULY important one ; ) ) Obama or McCain? Another "monetary plan?" Elisabeth vs. Joy? Will Michael ever hook up with Holly? Such a plethora of issues!

But luckily, life still has its moments...This is how I found my son the other day...I wish life could always be like this...

Peace out!!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...


On a lighter note, I LOVED the post. I would love to know what had been so bad but I don't want to pry.

So what was it?

Loved the pictures. Your canning is beautiful! I haven't canned at all this year. I hate it when I don't but I just didn't want to add one more thing.

I would love some or your recipes. They sound wonderful. I have really, really, really really really (you get the picture) missed you! Don't leave me ever again!!!!!!

By the way, sure love you. Glad things are getting better.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am so jealous of your canning accomplishments. So---- do you share recipes? Just reading and looking at them makes me want some.
Thanks for canning.

Lisa M said...

I agree, the canning is lovely.

It's great to have sisters, with big pantry's and hearts!

I'm so glad you checked in.

You're missed.

Carrie Ann said...

So that's why you were late to book club...

Invite me over when you open those peaches!

Amy Lynn said...

Talk about a blog slacker...I haven't read blogs in so long. I feel like I've missed so much in your life. I love reading about everything you are doing and thinking and feeling...it makes me love you even more for the amazing woman you are. Thanks for sharing! I love reading...I promise to be back soon!