So...have you read the latest Ensign and New Era?
I believe the line has been drawn, and I've known for years which side I have been on...
I was browsing the New Era December edition, and there it was...A huge article on ENERGY drinks (not a problem) as well as CAFFINATED drinks (problem?). I told myself, "Yeah...the youth really shouldn't be drinking that stuff..." I kinda equated it with the "NoDoz" phase of my teen years. But then, I went to read the new Ensign...
BLAM!! Five full pages of "Laura, this one's for you!!" (the following is MY interpretation, and is how I AM reacting to its message...) I've known for years the gray line I've walked....I'm not one of those who have to have their 44 ounce mugs constantly full...but, I've attributed it to " I don't have many options, since I'm a diabetic...there is not a lot of diet Sprite on tap!!" to other self-appointed beliefs of "it helps settle my helps with my migraines...." But, all the way, I've known it to be true...My yummy Diet Dr Pepper, or Diet Mountain Dew, or Sonic Diet Coke with Vanilla was just a marvelous and intoxicating mirage...The line has now definitely been drawn, and I have to choose a side...
I know I have plenty that I need to work on...So as I considered the articles, of course I thought the eloquent, "if this is the WORSE thing I do...." statement. Then my dear husband came home. I showed him the articles...and I waited. This would be my moral compass on the issue...which I thought would definitely fall on a pre-conceived side (my man works HARD for the money, and sometimes works 20 hour days...hence his delight in beverages that allow him to work HARD for the money for those 20 hour days...). I surely thought he'd say, "well...we aren't addicted....I do it for work, you do it for health choices..." or something like that....
"I'm done...I'm not drinking it (caffeine) any more..."
This was the clincher for my husband...and probably should have been for the article it stated, "...the Word of Wisdom does not specifically prohibit caffeine. However, I believe that if we follow the
spirit of the Word of Wisdom, we will be very careful about what we consume, particularly any substance that can have a negative impact on our bodes..."
Then, I thought of a recent talk I gave at a Stake Young Women Conference...and one of my favorite scripture references I had quoted...
"And behold, the watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was afar off; and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge thereof, and saved my vineyard fromt he hands of the destroyer." (D&C 101:54)
We DO have a watchman...Pres. Monson...He knows what's coming...We are simply down among the hedges, presuming our safety...Whether it's drinks, modesty issues, or morality, HE KNOWS what the adversary will strike at to make us less than what we are!
I figure, it's time to draw the line, and be on the right side! (At least I know this is one less thing to worry about!)
So...farewell my sweet elixirs...hello to Fresca and other mouth-watering liquid Meccas...
(We even made it a family now I KNOW I'm bound, because I have three extra pairs of eyes, ever-vigilant for the cause!!)