My daughter heard a noise in the garage...And this is what we found...
He was very shy...
He flew all around every nook of our garage...As well as flew INTO every nook!
We decided we needed to intervene...
So we gently caught him in a soft butterfly net...
And went to set him free...
But...He decided to stay...
He perched calmly on everyone's hands...
And we marveled at our little, "Hummer"
We then set him in a wild area behind our home...and watched as his wings surged strong...flying away to his new destination...
I read somewhere that hummingbirds are messangers between worlds...Between our world, and that of our Father...
Oh wow, how neat!
That is absolutely amazing. What a gift.
I love how little things like that happen once in a while.
What a beautiful experience! I'm so sad because I had to take down my hummingbird feeders last week (we got infested with bees and the apartment owner said the sugar water had to go) and I miss my little hummers. I never had one tame enough to actually sit on my hand though! I'm so glad you got pictures!
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