I was tagged by my friend, Kim...
10 years ago: I was a Retail Fashion Manager, working far too many hours, had one 19 month old boy, and was expecting my daughter in 3 months...
5 things on my to-do list today:1. Be up and dressed, looking like a "fashion contributor," by 7am (that is BIG for me!)
2. Direct a photo-shoot for the magazine at a new salon I found, which is being featured in our
March /April magazine issue.
3. Go grocery shopping--we have no milk, which is not good when you have three kids who live on cereal...
4. Make a charm-bracelet for one of my young women, whose birthday is today.
5. Make sure my son has everything he will need for his "Klondike overnight" on friday...I'm glad he's excited, because I sure wouldn't be!
I enjoy:SHOES, a new haircut, book club, a diet vanilla coke from Sonic, a quiet run when it is lightly snowing in the evening, a good nap, & talking with friends...
What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:Take on all the industries who make money off of people's suffering--insurance companies, medical supply companies, drug companies...etc. (All from the quietude of my own, private island...)
3 of my bad habits:1. Swearing...
2. Being TOO honest, at times!
3. Target, Old Navy, DSW Shoes...
5 places I have lived:1. Spokane, WA
2. Littleton, CO
3. Farmington, UT
4. San Jose, CA
5. Cairo, EGYPT (been there...in my dreams!)
5 jobs that I have had:1. Zoo keeper
2. Lagoon Rides Division/Water park Coordinator
3. Museum Docent at BYU
4. Sears Fashions Manager
5. Fashion/Style contributor for "Wasatch Woman" magazine.
5 Things people don't know about me:1. I have a tattoo
2. I am ALWAYS right!
3. I HATE being misunderstood.
4. I never take the first cup out of a dispenser for drinks...I think the next one is going to be "cleaner?" or touched less?
5. I never quite got over a certain "love" in my life...Do dreams translate into wishes?!
I now tag:
Carrie, and