I'm in a real mood...A pissy one at that! I am so frustrated! I'm supposed to be 1st Counselor in my new calling, and nothing I do, say, offer, etc. is taken with a grain of salt. I worked REALLY hard on something for a meeting, that saved (I think) a lot of time--turning what could have been a 6-8 hour meeting, into a mere 3 1/2...Do I get thanks? No...I get "well...we just want to be really sure we are arranging this correctly.............." My poor husband had to listen to me at midnight, as I came home and vented! (What a trooper!) Not only that, but I feel that some of the leaders I work with try so hard to avoid certain groupings/situations, that they are inevitably doing the youth a disservice...going against one of my favorite creeds, "Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child..." type of thing.
I believe that some of the biggest and most important lessons learned come from those trials or obstacles that are hard or uncomfortable..Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not saying "yeah, just let the youth run amuck and figure things out on their own....", I'm just saying, I think we need to try and teach the youth how to handle certain situations that will help them in life...For, we all know that life is not fair, perfect, or easy...In planning our upcoming Youth Conference, this has been a big frustration for me.
I'm the oldest one in the Presidency, and although age doesn't necessarily mean wisdom, I feel that sometimes the "big picture" is missed...That in this day and age, the youth deserve leaders who are going to, tactfully and correctly, "tell it like it is," and not give all the textbook or "primary" answers, especially because a lot of the youth are a lot wiser than their years upon this earth!!
I may be "flighty" and unconventional, but that does not mean I don't have a testimony or a view that perhaps might be worthy of applying to the world?...I feel unappreciated, and patronized...Two things that make my type A personality cringe...
Okay...I'm done...
I'm going to go drink my "illegal" drink, and take two Excedrin....